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What Our Program Graduates Are Saying…

What Our Program Graduates Are Saying…

"Let’s all give it up to Nicole Walters for giving so much of her heart in this program. You are an incredible example of what it means to be an excellent consultant and business woman. We appreciate you!””

Sherry Mirshahi Totten
Profit with Storytelling Workshop
Online, USA

"Whatever your journey beloved, know that God has a plan and purpose for you! HE promised to draw close to those who are broken in spirit and to captured and wiped away every tear.”

Tuesday Tate
The Vision Coach, The Alchemy Academy
Online, USA

"I am so thankful that through a hectic divorce and going from stay at home mom to mompreneur. I have no idea how I was able to watch every module and live call and implement your teachings, but I did and I am grateful!””

Brittany Veney
B|V Design Studio
Online, USA

How Does $1K1Day Work?

Instead of hopping in your vehicle of choice and driving down to campus with $1K1Day all you need to do to show up for class is to visit the Inherit learning center and log into the classroom portal for your cohort. All class materials are housed in the portal and made available to you according to the syllabus.

For full program details and to preview the class curriculum take a tour.

Who Teaches $1K1Day?

After spending more than a decade in corporate America, Nicole Walters left her six-figure job to pursue a more purposeful and prosperous path. Within six months of stepping out on her own, she successfully turned her part-time side hustle into a full-time business. Since, she has built a multi-million-dollar personal development and business education empire.

Leveraging her sales and business development expertise, she and her team design signature learning programs that help entrepreneurs establish profitable and purposeful businesses too. From stay at home parents to small business owners, Walters offers transformative resources that inspire people to not only build the business and life they love, but to leave a legacy.

Who is $1K1Day For?

I have a business, but I just want to make sure the structure is sound and that I’m not leaving any money on the table.

I love my full-time job, but I want to make sure that I have other options just in case.

I’ve been feeling the pull to start a business for myself for a long time and I want to act on that.

How $1K1Day Helped Eldridge CPA, LLC Increase Net Income by 400% in a Single Year

Caitlynn Eldridge

CEO, Eldridge CPA, LLC

Omaha, USA

How $1K1Day Helped Eldridge CPA, LLC Increase Net Income by 400% in a Single Year


Accounting & Tax Consulting



How $1K1Day Helped Eldridge CPA, LLC Increase Net Income by 400% in a Single Year

What Caitlynn learned:

  • How to translate her accounting skills and passion into a profitable business
  • How to add additional services to increase year-round income
  • How to articulate her value and charge higher rates


increase in net income in one year


revenue from one 30-minute call


increase in rates


Accounting & Tax Consulting



Caitlynn Eldridge once worked corporate accounting jobs that required 90-hour weeks during the busy tax season. But by the time she had three children under age four, daycare became too expensive, and she wanted the flexibility to stay home when a child got sick. Soon after her family relocated for her husband’s military job, a friend offered to sell Caitlynn her small accounting firm. Caitlynn had to decide: was she ready to transform her corporate experience, passion, and skills into her own business?

“I have surpassed a full year’s worth of income in five months. And I took the stuff I don’t like off my plate so I can focus on serving people.”

The Challenge

Turning a passion into a full-time career

Caitlynn found herself home with her children in a new state, far from connections. She inherited a few clients from her friend but didn’t know how to really build a business. Caitlynn had the skills and experience from her corporate jobs. She loved working directly with clients and teaching them how to succeed — something she had not been able to do in the corporate world. She wanted to keep doing taxes but knew that working four months of 90-hour weeks during tax season was not right for her family.

Caitlynn didn’t know how much to charge or how to position herself differently from other CPAs. Could she convince enough clients to sign up with her? How could she expand her services so she didn’t have to rely so heavily on tax season? Caitlynn needed a plan to translate her skills and passion into year-round income.

“I didn’t know how I could take my tax knowledge and skills and use them in a way to bring in income throughout the year. I needed to know that there was something more than me doing a tax return day after day.”

The Solution

A community, a plan, and
a confidence boost

Another friend mentioned the $1K1Day Academy to Caitlynn. Intrigued, she found the website refreshing compared to other programs —more transparent, less emotional
—perfect for her accountant’s brain. Plus, founder Nicole Walters had a similar corporate background that resonated with Caitlynn.

Caitlynn signed up and was matched with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs. She loved that the program gradually released the material, so it wasn’t overwhelming. The expert-taught lessons helped fill in the holes in her knowledge, particularly around marketing. Meanwhile, Nicole and the rest of the team challenged Caitlynn to think differently about her business. The lessons and new thinking helped Caitlynn create a multi-faceted plan to increase her rates, improve her marketing outreach, and introduce new services.

For Caitlynn, the most valuable part of the program was learning how to build additional income streams, including business consulting and tax planning, so that all her revenue didn’t depend on a frantic tax season. She even created a year-long membership program to help fledgling businesses establish a solid tax and bookkeeping foundation. $1K1Day gave her the confidence to go beyond tax returns and start doing year-round, lucrative consulting work — all without taking on debt.

“$1K1Day gave me clarity. Nicole spoke a language I understood. I really loved how materials were released over time. They didn’t just dump all these resources on you and tell you, ‘You’re on your own.’"

The Result

Higher rates, more services increase net income by 400%

$1K1Day helped Caitlynn better understand and articulate her value to clients, giving her the confidence to raise her rates by 10%. None of her existing clients batted an eye at the increase. On a single day, she booked two new clients at her higher rate, instantly locking in $1,000 in new revenue.

Caitlynn changed how she targets and approaches potential clients. She revamped her website to clearly articulate how her services can help prospects “lighten the load,” so they can focus on what they do best. She now does short introductory calls to emphasize what she brings to the table. These 30-minute calls convert prospects to customers, often to the tune of $1,000 each.

Even long after finishing the program, Caitlynn continues to connect with the community of like-minded entrepreneurs from her $1K1Day small group. They bounce ideas off each other and lend support, which Caitlynn finds especially valuable.

In the year since starting $1K1Day, Caitlynn increased her net income by 400%, bringing in an entire year’s worth of income in just five months. She even hired an assistant to take on the social media tasks she does not enjoy, freeing up Caitlynn’s own time to do what she loves: helping clients build financially sound businesses.

“$1K1Day is worth it. It really is. I love that Nicole challenges you to do the analysis. Everyone is super supportive, and you feel like you’re making progress in your business—and that your investment in the program is paying off. ”

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You’ll hear back from us during business hours 9am– 5pm Mon–Fri. Usually within 24 hours or less.

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Inherit Learning Company

Take your business to the next level with this 6-month business building program – Instructed by Nicole Walters and supported by her core of Certified Corporate Consultants.

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